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Norwegian reports record high passenger figures and high load factors in July
Norwegian reported a new passenger record in July as it carried almost 3.8 million passengers in a single month. The total number of passengers increased by 13 percent compared to the same month previous year. The load factor was 93 percent.
Norwegian carried 3,796,283 passengers in July, an increase of 13 percent compared to the same month last year. The total traffic growth (RPK) increased by 33 percent this month, driven by a 35 percent capacity growth (ASK). The load factor was a solid 93 percent network wide.
“We are very pleased that an increasing number of passengers in Europe, USA, South America, The Middle East and Asia choose Norwegian for their travels. It is also satisfactory that even with a strong capacity growth our load factor is high. Our capacity growth is still high, but it is not increasing as rapidly as in previous months, which is in line with our strategy. We have been through a long period of strong growth and going forward we will reap what we have sown for the benefit of our customers, staff and shareholders,” said CEO Bjørn Kjos of Norwegian.
Norwegian operated 99.2 percent of the scheduled flights in July, whereof 67.9 percent departed on time. The on-time performance this month was heavily influenced by widespread air traffic control strikes in Europe.
In July, Norwegian was named World’s Best Low-Cost Long-Haul Airline for the fourth consecutive year and Europe’s Best Low-Cost Airline for the sixth consecutive year by renowned SkyTrax.
Please find traffic figures report in the attached pdf.
Media Contacts:
Charlotte Holmbergh Jacobsson, Head of Communications and Public Affairs, Sweden and Finland, charlotte.holmbergh.jacobsson@norwegian.com
Tarja Valde-Brown, Media contact in Finland, tarja.valde-brown@eurofacts.fi
Norwegian on maailman kuudenneksi suurin halpalentoyhtiö, joka kuljetti vuonna 2017 yli 33 miljoonaan matkustajaa. Yhtiö tarjoaa tällä hetkellä yli 500 reittiä yli 150 kohteeseen Euroopassa, Pohjois-Afrikassa, Lähi-idässä, Thaimaassa, Singaporessa, Argentiinassa, Karibialla ja Yhdysvalloissa. Norwegianin laivastossa on noin 150 lentokonetta, joiden keski-ikä on noin 3,7 vuotta. Yhtiön lentolaivasto on yksi maailman nuorimmista ja ”vihreimmistä”. The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) on nimennyt Norwegianin lentoyhtiöksi, joka lentää polttoainetehokkaimmin Atlantin. Norwegian on valittu kolmena viime vuonna peräkkäin maailman parhaaksi kaukolentoja lentäväksi halpalentoyhtiöksi arvostetussa SkyTrax World Airline Awards -äänestyksessä ja viitenä viime vuonna peräkkäin Euroopan parhaaksi halpalentoyhtiöksi. Yhtiön palveluksessa työskentelee noin 9 000 henkilöä.
Lisätietoja osoitteessa www.norwegian.com
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